Thursday, June 25, 2009

Waste Decomposition Rate

Waste Decomposition Rate is described as time needed by a spesific waste to be decomposed by the environment. I found some information regarding this topic on the internet. It is a very interesting topic to be shared to everyone. It shocked me to found that glass bottles that often used in soft drink products actually need a very very very long time to be decomposed by our environment. -_-‘

Decomposition process is actually depend on environmental condition where the waste being decomposed. For example, look at the difference between how fast steel rusts (a form of decomposition) in a humid salt air environment such as the coast vs. a dry environment like a desert. For wastes buried in the landfill, the decomposition process usually takes a lot longer time than if they were exposed to the air. There is a fact that newspaper which were buried in the landfill still not fully decomposed after several years. Can you imagine ?!!??

Here's a list of common items and how long they take to be decomposed in the environment:
• Glass bottle 1 million years
• Plastic Shopping Bag 500-1000 years
• Monofilament fishing line 600 years
• Plastic beverage bottles 450 years
• Disposable diapers 450 years
• Aluminum can 80-200 years
• Boot sole 50-80 years
• Styrofoam cup 50 years
• Leather 50 years
• Tin can 50 years
• Nylon fabric 30-40 years
• Plastic film canister 20-30 years
• Cigarette filter 1-5 years
• Wool sock 1-5 years
• Plywood 1-3 years
• Waxed milk carton 3 months
• Newspaper 6 weeks
• Orange or banana peel 2-5 weeks

After some reading to the information above, let us take some time to think and make some efforts to reduce the usage of some goods that can produce wastes which are difficult to be decomposed by the environment. If we like to shop, let us think of some ideas to reduce the usage of shopping bags, for example by bringing our own shopping bag which can be used repetitively.

Researchers found that Indonesian produce waste in amount of 2.6 litre/day per person. The population amount in Indonesia is approximately 220 millions people. So everyday, the total amount of wastes produced is 572 millions litre. Where those wastes go ?? To the landfill. But how long will it takes until the landfill can no longer store more waste ?

In Indonesia itself, cigarette manufacturers sell billions of cigarette per year, which produce cigarette filter waste (which will be fully decomposed after 1-5 years). We can imagine the amount of cigarette filter waste produce in all countries every year. –_-‘

So, let us together start a new life style, that is green living life style. Modern life style doesn’t have to sacrifice the existence of our environment. We can start by doing a small and simple thing in our everyday life. At home, at the office, at school, wherever we are. We can make a big difference for our environment, for the world we live. Just remember, “everything big start small”.


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